When we planned our road trip, I knew exactly what I could expect from Prague (I’ve been there on a high school trip) and I knew what I wanted/expected from Amsterdam. But, I had no idea what to expect from Berlin. I asked around and everyone was thrilled with their visit to Berlin. Every.Single.One. The thing that confused me was the range of people claiming they had a blast there: families with small kids, history freaks, wild party animals, art lovers...
How could one city satisfy all those different needs?! You know what – Berlin can. I don’t have the words to describe to you exactly how fast and with what intensity Berlin swept me of my feet. Until know, London was my No.1 and all other cities were way-way-way below him on my rank list. But after Berlin... my dearest London, watch out, you have a serious competition...
First I would like to share two magnificent things we discovered in Berlin:
- finding a place to stay via airbnb (you can check out here how it works),
- free walking tours via SANDEMANs New Europe (they operate strictly on tip-bases).
Here is my list of things that are a must-see/must-do while in Berlin:
3. Best hamburgers I ever ate at Andy's Diner & Bar at Potsdamer Platz 1
4. Various street markets
Berlin U-Bahn is the best and the quickest way to get from one part of the city to another. And they are punctual to millisecond.
5. Party hard
10. East Side Gallery
11. Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
14. Eat out - there are so many different restaurants with affordable prices that it’s a shame not to try as many possible
Berlin is a MUST see city that will leave you wanting for more... can’t wait to go there again :)
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