Tuesday 12 April 2011

THE dog

You know those debates: are you a dog person or a cat person? 

Well, I’m a dog person 200%. Love dogs and had two dog so far: one half-breed dog (with whom I shared my ice-cream when I was little (fact: I don’t share my ice-cream with anybody... so you know just how much I loved him) and one Pekingese when I was 10 (my parents gave him away and I carried out a hunger strike for two days)... and can’t wait to have my own dog again. 
I have doubts about the breed but, so far, Siberian husky holds first place. 

At least he did until I met Mouse last Sunday. I have absolutely no idea what breed of dog it was but I fell in love the first moment I saw him:  

After I bothered him, petted him and photographed him for half an hour, he gave me this look and I knew I had to leave him alone: 

Mouse, till next time... :D


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